Freckles (NSFW)

Jamie has such a beautiful smile and stunning eyes. For this series, we took a few photos in a bedroom setting together. We tried a few different ideas out and I was really happy with the end result..

Seductive Eyes (NSFW)

[:de]Sharon is a friend and we ended up taking some photos together. Sharon is from South America and has a beautiful face and stunning eyes.
She was lying on the studio couch and I went for a red fabric to match the cushions.
I used my Sigma 85mm 1.4 wide open to bring out her eyes while giving a beautiful romantic bokeh to the background.[:]

Fine-Art Nudes in BW & Colour (NSFW)

I was looking over some photos of a model posed on a box in the studio I took a few years ago and I realised there were some great shots that I had not processed yet.
I tried something a little different here and started playing around with the colours.

Naomi – Dancing Nudes (NSFW)

[:en]Naomi is a professional dancer who was interested in a photoshoot with me. She came for a chat but we were so inspired, we decided to do a quick test shoot. As you can see, it turned out fabulous and I hope to have many more photoshoots with Naomi again…[:de]Naomi ist eine profesionelle Tanzerin und wollte ein Fotoshooting mit mir zu machen. Sie ist gekommen für ein Chat aber wir waren so inspiriert dass wir ein schnelleres Testshooting gemacht haben. Wie du sehen kannst, es ist wunderbar ausgekommen und ich hoffe dass ich mehrere Fotoshootings mit Naomi in der Zukunft habe…[:]

Light Painting Photography Photoshoot

[:en]Today I was fortunate to work in the studio with the talented Betty Red. I wanted to expand on my last light-painting photography and experimented with a series of different lights and styles.[:de]Heute habe ich Glück gehabt und könnte mit der hübschen Betty Red arbeiten. Ich wollte mehr mit licht-malen experimentieren und habe die folgende Fotos gemacht…[:]